What are dates I need to know?
- Registration: January 1st - February 27th, 2025
- Skills Evaluation: Saturday, March 1st, 2025 (location TBD). Minors and Majors divisions only.
- Coaches Meeting and Player Selection: TBD
- Opening Ceremonies and First Games: Saturday, March 29th, 2025
- 1st Week of Games: March 31st - April 3rd
- There will be no games the week of Spring Break (April 7th-11th)
- All Star Coach Selection: TBD
- All Star Player Selection: TBD
- All Star Tournament: TBD
What days are games?
Games could be played any day Monday-Saturday. Weekday games start at 6PM and Saturday games at 9AM.
We try to schedule specific nights for each division, but depending how many teams there are that is not always possible.
Majors Division will not play on Saturdays. Tee ball, Rookies and Minors will have Saturday games.
What equipment will my child need or what will the league provide?
The player will be responsible for providing the following:
- Baseball Glove
- Baseball Pants
- Baseball Belt
- Cleats (plastic - metal cleats are not allowed in Little League)
- Baseball Bat (USA Baseball certification)
In some circumstances, the league may have a bat available. Please check with your coach - Baseball Helmet (Optional)
Most players provide their own helmet, but the league will supply coaches with a few team helmets for players to share).
West Valley Little League will provide the following:
- Team Hat
- Team Shirt/Jersey
- Baseball Helmet
Most players provide their own helmet, but the league will supply coaches with a few team helmets for players to share).